We’ve curated this collection of quotes, sayings, personal mottos, and messages of love to assist or inspire those that would like to personalize or customize their gift.
A message can be engraved in the usual or unusual places: the inside of a wedding band or engagement ring, on the outside or inside of a locket, the outside or inside of a bracelet, on the face of a signet ring, the bottom of a ring box, or in a secret compartment. In our opinion, an engraving adds an extra bit of special and is the perfect way to mark a new adventure or just remind you of the people you love.
The Georgians and Victorians are known for their sentimentalism which was communicated through jewelry often containing secret (or not so secret) messages spelled out in gemstones, symbolism, or concealed in a compartment shared only with one's closest friends and family.
We’ve categorized suggested engravings into the following categories: Messages of Love, Personal Mottos, Inscriptions found on antique Poesy (also sometimes spelled poesie/posy/posey) Rings (antique wedding rings), and In Memory of a Loved One.
About Poesy Rings: Poesy rings are wedding rings, some dating back as far as the 16th and 17th century, engraved with a saying/message. The older they are, the more likely you are to encounter the message in Old English (so no, it is not a typo). You may come across the same words more than once, as they were often engraved from a book of sayings. All are unique as they were hand engraved and some sayings are one of a kind, from the groom’s own words.
What to Consider When Gifting Jewelry with Engraving
Engraving equals customization and cannot be returned. So if you are unsure about your choice, an alternative might be to present the gift with a written or printed card detailing the engraving you have planned.
Tips for Quotes on Rings
Consider the space available on the piece. Will the message fit and will it be readable? If the space is limited, you might want to stick to initials, a date, or a monogram/cipher. Here is an example of of initials that have been hand engraved on the inside of an antique pearl ring. It's currently available for purchase in our Rings collection.
To M.W. From J.B.
What to Engrave on a Wedding Ring
The space available on the inside of a ring band is limited, so something short and sweet (pun intended) is best. The date of your wedding is always a good choice, as are initials and names. Below is an example of an antique pearl ring that has just that kind of engraving.
Here are some short love quotes or expressions of love that would fit well on the inside of a ring. For more suggestions see below for Messages of Love and Posy Ring Engravings.
Madly and deeply.
AEI (Which is the abbreviation of - Amity, Eternity, Infinity. A romantic sentiment from the Victorian period conveying everlasting love. Greek: Always).
Deux Coeurs (French: two hearts).
L'amitié (French: friendship).
Cor nexa (Latin: hearts entwined).
What to Engrave on a Signet Ring
The space available on the face of signet is also limited, but in a different way. Instead of being long and linear like the inside of a ring band, the space available is vertically oriented. It lends itself perfectly to a monogram. I have also seen the space filled with a quote running continuously across the face of the signet or one word e.g. Love, repeated over and over.
What to Engrave on Bangle Bracelet
A bangle offers the opportunity to engrave an entire sentence or a more complete message. It is the prefect gift for a lover of literature, a true romantic or someone who loves one-of-a-kind jewelry. This vintage sterling silver bangle has been hand-engraved with the following love quote:
"Thou art to me a delicious torment" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Messages of Love (Romantic and Other)
Yours is the light which by spirit's born. ~ E.E Cummings.
Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours. ~ Ludwig van Beethoven.
You are the sun, my moon, and all my stars. ~ E.E Cummings.
I belong with you, you belong with me, my sweetheart. ~ The Lumineers.
Verbum Carro. Translates to: A word from my love. Found on the famous ruby diamond and sapphire heart made by Paul Flato for Heiress Millicent Rogers circa 1930/40.
Madly and deeply.
In perpetuum amorem. (Latin: forever love).
My heart is, and always will be, yours. ~ Jane Austen.
Amour Sans Fin. Translates to: love without end, but means eternal love. Source: French 18th c. enamel and rock crystal heart.
Amor Vincet Omnia. Latin: for Love Conquers All, or L'amour véritable triomphe de tout (French: Love Conquers All).
AEI (Which is the abbreviation of - Amity, Eternity, Infinity. Greek: always).
Thou art to me a delicious torment. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.
She doth teach the torches to burn bright. ~ Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet.
I love her, and that's the beginning and end of everything. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Deux Coeurs (French: two hearts).
L'amitié (French: friendship).
Cor nexa (Latin: hearts entwined).
Mais ce qu’a lié l’amour même, le temps ne peut le délier (French: But what love itself has bound, time cannot untie).
et ils vécurent heureux jusqu'à la fin (French: And they lived happily ever after).
48.8584° N, 2.2945° E (the coordinates of the Eiffel Tower i.e. engrave the coordinates of special place that has personal meaning).
Personal Mottos/Inspiration
Confortentur (Latin: Be Strong).
Fortuna et Casus (Latin: Fortune and Chance).
Amor et fortuna (Latin: Luck and Love).
Adducam fortuna (Latin: Brings Luck).
Here begins a new life. ~ Dante (La Vita Nuova).
Live the life you have imagined. ~ Henry David Thoreau.
Life is an experiment. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Dream big, dare to fail. ~ Norman Vaughan.
Ars longa, vita brevis (Latin: Art is long, life is short). ~ Hippocrates.
Je vois la vie en rose (French: I see life through rose colored glasses). ~ Edith Pilaf.
Heureux pour toujours (French: Happily ever after).
Bonheur (French: Happiness).
40.7794829, -73.9735811 (the coordinates that mark the end of the New York City Marathon or the location marking a special achievement).
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. ~ William Shakespeare
Do not go where the path may lead...(go instead where there is no path and leave a trail). ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Engravings from 17th, 18th & 19th Posey/Poesie/Posy Rings
My Hart Is Thine.
Mon Coeurs Toujours Fidelle (French: My heart is always faithful).
Mon Coeur Est A Vous (French: My heart is yours).
Night and Day You Are The One (Note: More modern phrasing).
Many are thee starrs I see yet in my eye no starr like thee.
United hearts death only parts.
In me a flame in thee the same.
You and I will Lovers dye.
As gold is pure, so love is sure.
As I prove I wish your love.
Be true in Harte.
All I refuse & thee I chuse.
Bee firme in faith.
CERT A MON GRE (translates to: certainly my choice).
Content is a treasure.
EN MI MARIE (translates to: to my husband).
God above increase our love.
God made us two one.
[pictogram of a heart] and hand at your command.
Harts united live contented.
I cannot show the love I O.
I like my choice.
I rejoyce in thee my choice.
In loyalty Ile live and dye.
In thee my choyce I doe rejoice.
Let the Lord above send peace & love.
Let love continue.
Live & Love.
Moe love to Myne' (More love to Mine).
My love to thee shall endless be.
No riches like content.
Noe recompence but love.
Of earthli joyse thou art my choys.
The loue is trew that I O U.
The Love of thee is life to me.
UBI AMOR IBI FIDES (Latin: Where there is love there is faith).
When this you se remember me.
You have my hart.
You never knew a heart more true.
In Memory of a Loved One/Souvenir
The Georgians and Victorians loved sentimental jewelry and the ability to keep one's loved ones close to the heart. These expressions are focused on Love.
I carry your heart with me. ~ E.E Cummings.
My North, my South, my East and West. ~ W.H Auden.
My working week and my Sunday rest. ~ W.H Auden.
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song. ~ W.H Auden.
In each farewell dwells a new beginning. ~ Herman Hesse.
Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours. ~ Ludwig van Beethoven.
I wished I had done everything on earth with you. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it. ~ L.M Montgomery.
Mais ce qu’a lié l’amour même, le temps ne peut le délier (French: But what love itself has bound, time cannot untie).